What is Diastasis Recti?

What is Diastasis Recti?

Diastasis Recti is the thinning of the linea alba, which is the connective tissue that runs down the middle of your rectus abdominis muscle (more commonly known as the “6-pack abs.”) This often occurs as a result of pregnancy, but can also occur in women and men due to inefficient breathing, posture, and muscle firing.

The One Thing You Can Do For Your Core RIGHT NOW!

The One Thing You Can Do For Your Core RIGHT NOW!

Practicing diaphragmatic breathing during pregnancy, postpartum, and beyond is one of the most foundational exercises to be focusing on for building strength. Let’s begin with talking about what the “core” is.

So, You’re One Year Postpartum… Now What? 5 Steps to Getting Back to Exercise

So, You’re One Year Postpartum… Now What? 5 Steps to Getting Back to Exercise

I am speaking directly to all those moms who are frustrated with having a year or more pass by without “feeling back to normal” yet. You nourished, grew, and carried a baby for approximately 9 months. Then, you gave birth, which is an extremely physical feat for your body to accomplish. After that, your body needed time to recover both physically and emotionally, which takes several months. This is close to a one-year journey.

The expectation placed on yourself to “bounce back” in a much shorter timeframe is unfair and unrealistic. So, if you find yourself one (or more) years postpartum and just starting to feel ready to get back into a more serious exercise routine, then you are right on track. So, what action steps can you take today to get started?